Moving Resources
Facility and More
Machinery & Equipment Division
Farm/Ranch Sales - Perlich Bros. specializes in farm or ranch sales including: retirement sales, estate sales, dispersals or downsizing operations. For over two generations we have been conducting farm and ranch sales in communities all over Western Canada. We are aware of the hard work and dedication you have put into your operations. This is one of the biggest decisions you can make and you deserve a proven team of professionals to assist you in planning a successful sale. Spring & Fall Equipment Consignment Sales - Perlich Bros. conducts regular consignment sales in their sales yards in Lethbridge, AB & Seven Persons, AB. Accepting all classes of agricultural equipment such as: Combines, Tractors, Haying & Harvesting Equipment, Seeding & Tillage Equipment, Livestock Equipment, Construction Equipment, Cars, Trucks, Trailers, RV's, and smaller miscellaneous items.
Export Hog Department
Perlich Bros. Auction Market Ltd. has been in the Hog Export business for over two decades. We have established markets throughout Canada and the US. Our experienced staff can assist you in the marketing of your hogs. Most of our producers are throughout Alberta and Saskatchewan.
Perlich Real Estate
John Perlich, along with his son Joe and our good friend Arnold Schumacher are Perlich Real Estate. Specializing in ranch, farm and acreage transactions, this crew can meet all of your real estate buying and selling needs. Perlich Real Estate: where Country meets the City.
Honkers Cafe
Come out for a visit and enjoy lunch at Honkers Cafe. It is open Monday Through Friday. Check out the daily special, our try one of Antonio's delicious burgers.
Hi-Hog Livestock Handling Equipment
We are a dealer for Hi-Hog Livestock Equipment. If you need an entire livestock handling facility or just a few panels, their selection is only surpassed by the extremely high quality of Hi-Hog products. Please speak with Tony Virginillo or Phil Boras in our Machinery and Equipment Division to discuss your order today.

We are a registered dealer of Masterfeeds product. We have a complete selection of licktubs and salt block. We can also custom order larger volumes.

Livestock Trucking Services
The link below contains various trucking companies and truck operators who specialize in hauling livestock. We use many of them on a regular basis. Please feel free to contact any of them and set up your trucking needs at a price that is mutually agreeable. If this is not to your liking, please contact one of our field reps to discuss trucking option, as well as delivery dates and times.